Thursday, August 09, 2007

Gaming Blogs and assholes...

Yup, I too have an asshole so I might as well have a game blog to give it a voice.

I mostly play Xbox 360 titles and the occasional Wii Title. I do still own a Playstation 2 and 4 Xboxes (damn that Halo 2 lan party goodness.) I also own a PC to keep my desk from escaping into orbit, so not many games will be reviewed there.

A history about the name of my Blog, GYulus. It is short for the Grueling Yulus a name derived from playing Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast and losing too often. The game, after you had been defeated the game declares, "The Grueling Battle between [fighter A] and [fighter B] resulted in..." blah blah blah, and then it would declare, " YOU LOSE!" If you hit the button during the first part it would jump to the second and declare, "The Grueling YOU LOSE!"
I have liked that statement so much it became my first online identity... My "internet virgin" name.

I myself am 30 something with a wife and no kids ( I ain't sharing my games with no whiners.)

I am going to use this space to declare whether games I play are worth buying or just worth a rental. I hope it will help you decide whether or not to plop your hard earned money down on a title.

All up in your games, Making em cry,

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