Sunday, August 12, 2007

Carcasonne (Online and Boxed versions)

Carcassonne is a board game created by Klaus-Jürgen Wrede in 2000, and published by Hans im Glück and Rio Grande Games. 2-5 players develop the area around Carcassonne by strategically placing land tiles on the board [table.] Each square tile has a combination of Farmland, Road, City or Monastery that has to match the square it is placed next to. As a player places a tile they have the option to place a Meeple (follower) on one, and only one, of the tile features. As the feature is completed, the players score for the feature and reclaim their Meeple for future placement. This is a very easy to learn game that is fun both on the XBLA version and the boxed game version available at your local game store.
Both versions of Carcassonne have advantages over the other. The boxed game has numerous expansions that add to the tiles available and one adds a tower to place the tiles in to draw from (instead of a black bag that is normally used.) The benefit of this version over XBLA is the ready availability of the numerous expansions, personal interaction with friends around ye ol' gaming table and the ability to not call attention to tile placements you would rather your opponents not see. Also I believe it is also the cheaper of the two options... I will get into that later. The XBLA version has ease of use ( each legal tile placement is highlighted) no real shortage of opponents and if there is no one you can play against up to 4 AI opponents. There is also the biggest plus for the XBLA version over the Boxed game... NO Setup, Manual scoring or Clean Up! You do not have to clear off a table or move the board when it creeps towards the end of the table, and when the game is over the Xbox calulates the score of each player and declares a winner... and then cleanup is hitting the "B" button. It is exhausting I know, but hitting the B button is necessary to get to the next game and play again.
Pricing is an issue for me right now though. The biggest complaint I have about the XBLA version is that the Hot seat function, where up to 5 people can play sitting on your couch at home, requires each person has their own controller. It also means either wireless controllers or a USB hub to get 5 controllers onto the Xbox 360.

800 ($10

The River





The Total Price (i.e. to get a full game in person) for the boxed game and all 8 of the expansions is $105.30 and the price for the XBLA version, 2 expansions, and an extra 3 controllers (figuring any real Xbox player has at least 2 controllers) is $170.00. If XBLA can fix the hot seat issue, the the XBLA version is the way to go at only $20 versus the $30.95 of the Boxed version.
I recommend both versions of this game to be in any gamers library. It is a quick game with easy setup that you do not need to be a strategist to win and, more importantly, enjoy. I find myself ending my gaming in the evenings with a couple of quick games on my Xbox before calling it a night. It's a good game and now I hope we can get Ticket to Ride on the ol' XBLA and I might just stop playing FPSs... or not.

Up in your farmland, claiming your castles,

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