Sunday, November 30, 2008

Christmas Update

A quick rundown on what I have played this holiday season and if they were renters or buyers.

1.) Saints Row 2.

If you enjoyed the 1st Saints Row, you will enjoy the second one. All of the fun from the first is here with some events added and turned up a notch. One of the biggest improvements is that the game continues after the "closing credits." I have put 30 hours into the game and have barely done any of the side quests.
It also has a full on Multiplayer story, so your friend can hop in and wreck havoc with you for a while.

*** - Buy

2.) Far Cry 2

If you enjoyed the 1st Far Cry... you won't recognize anything here. I have enjoyed Far Cry 2, but it is a quiet game for a first person shooter. The game being set in Africa means there are large expanses with no people in them (which is fine because EVERYONE in Africa wants you dead.) I am a big Splinter Cell fan, so using the stealth approach while scouting the guard posts was what I had the most fun doing.
It is a gorgeous game. It is the only game I just wanted to be able to find a corner and sit down in.
The Multiplayer is in a word... annoying. The play itself is fine and the Uprising mode is particularly fun, but Ranked matches are a joke because you can switch teams so you end up with high ranked players vs low ranked. Last night I played a match where the high ranked team had 60 levels and our team added up to 15.
There is no variation on difficulty (i.e. COD4 Hardcore mode.) Player matches are ridiculous because you cannot keep any ranks you earn between matches (so you begin with basic weapons every time you enter a match,) and the player setting up the match does not have the option to have starting diamonds (which are used as currency to upgrade your weapons.)
If you like variety... the Multiplayer is your game. The map maker makes it so I have not played the same match twice in player matches. Everyone has a map they want you to play and many of them are, at the very least, charming.
I enjoy Far Cry 2 and I do not regret buying it, but if you are a COD4 or Gears of War fan, you might find it a little slow paced.

****- I bought, I would suggest rent to check it out.

3.) Gears of War 2

More of the same. Big guys growling at each other with a little story thrown in. New characters are introduced that really are not important and new weapons are introduced that are fun but do not replace the Lancer, Longshot or Torque Bow.
The Multiplayer has the same problem as before... its players. The only group on Xbox Live that are worse as a whole are Halo players. Epic realizes this and lets you play all of the Online modes with Bots instead of foulmouthed children with no concept of sportsmanship. Horde mode is just plain awesome. Storyline with a friend is also awesome, but can be completed in a rental.
If you have like minded friends that like to play Gears, it is worth a buy. If you want the "Story" it is only worth a rent.

*** Rent

4.) Call of Duty: World at War

REALLY short story. Shoddy presentation. Online, tanks are broken. Save your money, buy a used copy of Call of Duty 4.

** Rent

Friday, April 04, 2008